The Other Driver Does Not Have Insurance, So Who Will Pay My Bills?

Auto Accident AttorneysSuffering a car accident is bad enough. Whether the damage to your car is minor or major, it’s bound to be expensive. If you are injured in the accident, medical costs can be daunting. And when the at-fault driver does not have insurance, an extra layer of frustration, confusion and fear is added to an already stressful, painful situation.

The accident wasn’t your fault, but the person who hit you didn’t have insurance. How will you fix your car? How will you pay the medical bills that can pile up after an auto accident? If you’ve been injured by a driver without insurance, contact a Houston car accident attorney, who can help you navigate the complicated process that is to come.

Recovering Medical Expenses

Injuries from car accidents can range from minor to life-threatening. However, even with minor injuries, medical expenses can mount rapidly. A Houston car accident lawyer is experienced with these types of legal matters and will be able to help an injured individual recover medical expenses.

Depending on the extent of your injuries, you may have to endure substantial medical diagnostic tests and treatments, perhaps including prescriptions and rehabilitation, in order to become healthy again. With most medical treatment, payment is due when services are rendered and can be a tremendous financial strain. And for severe, chronic or undiagnosed injuries, these costs can continue for years to come, creating a financial hardship that requires the assistance of a Houston car accident attorney.

When At-fault Party Is Uninsured

When the at-fault party does not have insurance or does not have enough coverage, the injured party might find themselves at a disadvantage since they will need to submit their medical claims through their own vehicle insurance. The no-fault coverage on an auto policy allows the insured to have their medical expenses paid up to the policy limits.

A Houston car accident attorney can help the injured party contact their auto insurance company so the claim can move forward efficiently. Typically, there is an extensive amount of paperwork involved in filing a no-fault vehicle accident claim. A Houston car accident lawyer will have experience in this type of situation and be able to follow the process through to completion.

How Will Claim Affect Coverage?

Placing a claim for medical benefits can affect the status of your auto insurance coverage, which might cause the insurance company to increase your monthly insurance premium or cancel the policy altogether. An individual who is injured in a vehicle disaster can contact a Houston car accident attorney to bring a legal action against the party that caused the injuries. Your attorney will attempt to recover compensation that will help cover medical costs, pain and suffering, as well as any permanent damage that the negligent party caused.

If you were injured in an auto accident and the at-fault party did not have insurance, then you need to contact the Houston accident attorneys at Ricardo N. Gonzalez & Associates  as soon as possible. They will advise you of your rights and help you get your medical bills paid quickly.